Wednesday, September 17, 2014

FALL into fall

Ever get that calming feeling inside when you see leaves blowing in the wind and pumpkins covering a drying field?
I do. Every year, Like clockwork.

Well...this year....maybe because I missed out on it last year with Emma's birth...its worse than ever.  I am craving, smelling, and even tasting fall. Summer is in the rear view for us, and on to the more cool calming season of the year.  All my life it has been my favorite time of the year.  Almost four years ago our wedding was held at the end of September.  That time from mid-September to mid-November is almost magical to me.  I even find myself jealous of my daughter's birthday month.  What a wonderful time for an outdoor farm birthday party this year!

Well, since Wednesdays are our "wind down" days in our house, I'm trying a new fall recipe.  Well...a few to be exact.  They were pinterest finds, but I'm totally smitten.  Let me know if you end up trying them and like them too!

Follow me on pinterest if you want to see all of my 50 million (exaggeration) albums with recipes and such.  There is one that is called "Fall Yums" where I stash my favorite Fall dishes. :) 

Here is tonight's menu-

Main Dish- grilled honey mustard chicken

Side Dish- baked zucchini and carrots and hashbrown casserole

Bread- garlic cheese twists

Desert- Honey Bun Cake (family recipe, ask if you want it) :)

What are your favorite things to do in the fall?

This year we are planning to go to the Pumpkin festival in the mountains.  Super stoked.  It isn't until October, so what to do in the meantime? Well, "husband of the year" booked our favorite mountain cabin for the weekend celebrate our 4 year anniversary.  Have I mentioned how awesome he is? SO excited about our getaway and going out to eat at an adult restaurant without hurrying back to a babysitter...heaven sent!

Adding Fall "beauties" to the house today!

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