Wednesday, April 15, 2015

I'm More Than You Think I Am...

To say that this week has been a spiritual roller-coaster is saying it lightly.
I mean WOW.

Do you (the person who is reading this) realize that you are SO much more than the life that you live on this Earth?

All these years, I have lived a life full of grace and love.  A life with two parents who devoted their entire lives to serving a Lord that I KNEW existed.  I served Him too, but with devotion, worship, and motions.


The difference between then and now is that NOW I SEE Him.  He is there.  Right behind us.  He has not abandoned His people!  He is our best friend.  And He longs for each and every one of our hearts.  Do you know Him? I mean, really know Him? Do you know Him so much to where you can't think of your life without Him in it, and cannot get your mind off of His purpose?


Ponder on these words: Its from a song that I "sang" for so long now and did not "hear" what the words were screaming out to my soul.

"Rumor has it, there's a gavel in my hand
I'm only here to condem
Let me tell you secrets you have never known
I think of you as my best friend.

So much has been said
Even done in my name
But I'm showing you now
Who I really am."

Face it- a time is coming.  I know you can all feel it, soon there will be so much despair that people will have absolutely no hope except for Jesus Christ.  He WILL be the Savior and the saving grace we are all searching for.  It just so happens that I rediscovered the overwhelming love through dreams and now a mountain of revelations.  The same Spirit that is in me lives inside each and every person who has accepted Jesus for what He is.

John 8:36 "If the Son has set you free, you are free indeed."

So get ready.  The floodgates are about to open. :)


Saturday, April 11, 2015

O For A Thousand Tongues

Lets see a show of hands for those who have "insomnia" ?!

Probably more of you than I think.
When I was pregnant I almost saw it as a curse...but it isnt. Its nighttime that I get my most intimate time with God. My awesome God whom I have the pleasure of serving wakes me up pretty often now.

Woke up with that oh familiar feeling. The feeling of the stomach bug...yes, again! This time there was no hesitating. I started praying... "Healed by the power of the blood of Jesus, I know He is going to cleanse my body of all unrighteousness.  He says in His word If the Son sets you free you are free indeed."....

After a half hour of praising Him for what He does, I hear a little voice. I go into Emmas room and her music was playing in her crib (a seahorse called SuSu that she can turn on) so I knew she was up. I go over to her crib and she says:

"Mama oh no."

I take this to mean shes feeling sick too. I said "here, Mommy pray." I held her little tiny hand and prayed for her. When I was finished she grabbed my hand again and said "pay mama" (pray)...oh what a joy to my heart!

Our kids are seeing it. They know how awesome our God is already at such an early age. If you haven't heard Emma say the blessing over food, you need to...she yells AMEN at the end for all to hear. 

When I got back in bed I turned on She Reads Truth and go to my saved hymns. Read O For A Thousand Tongues to Sing. It was perfect. For this moment. God taught me so much...that its not about "selling" Him to others. Its about living a life of praise that is so infectious that people cant help but to have the peace that I have.

A friend of mine posted on her wall yesterday a link to a story about a mans dream and what it meant after God revealed the meaning to him. Her quote at the top was "Thats my Jesus!"
...this is how we should be daily. SO proud of our God that we cant help but scream- Thats MY Jesus!!!

Have an awesome BLESSED morning yall. ;)

Google- She Reads Truth- Oh For A Thousand!