Friday, July 31, 2015

Move the mountain...okay no prob!

(John 14:12) "Truly I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do. And greater works than these will he do, because I am going to the Father."

Did I read that right?
Jesus said and you will do greater things than I...

Pretty hard to digest huh?

I *Katie* could more than Jesus?
No really, just think about it in a non prideful way-
He means that each of us who have accepted Him, carry Him with us. Its God's will for people to be saved, and for people to be healed so that they can see Him work. We are the messengers!

Now, before you think "Eh, I dont have the faith for that. I know people can heal in Jesus name, but thats not me."

It is.

There are so many promises and provisions that we can unlock by -just- believing, and stating them! Now, how can you state them, and claim what God has given you if you dont know them? Answer is- you cant. You have to dive into His word.

Even if its boring.
Even if you dont think youre absorbing it.

Scripture says that the Word will cleanse you. It will heal you. Of all unrighteousness.  (see the picture of my Bible notes from Psalm 119- our clues from David about the Word.)

So have you sat down to read today?
Have you given yourself spiritual food for the great fight?

If not, do it! You wont regret it one bit!

"We have hope
That His promises are true
In His strength
there is nothing we (*HE*) cant do.

The same power
That rose Jesus from the grave
The same power
That commands the dead to wake
The same power
That moves mountain when He speaks
The same power
That calms the raging seas
Lives in us.
Lives in US."



Thursday, July 9, 2015

The Parenting Manifesto

We are THAT family.
We always were THAT family.

Limited television,  a bell to call you in for dinner-(you better not let it ring twice), saying sorry because its important,  no cussing, no nasty jokes, rarely going to amusement parks or sleep away camps, family was your rock. I glad it happened that way.

The image still as fresh as yesterday-

A clunky dodge caravan puttering down the road. The fake "wood siding" on it peeled off and flapping in the wind like a windsock. I hunch down as we turn into the parking lot. Brakes squeeking and the motor sounds like a cat -literally- was dying inside it.
There they were..
all of my friends standing in the parking lot waiting. "Ugh, why didn't they go inside??" I thought to myself. I get out with the understanding that I could turn completely invisible if I didn't say a word. Mama yells, "Bye!!!! Have a good day!!!" In her holey Atlanta Braves tshirt. "Welp. There it went" I thought, they've definitely noticed me now, and probably think Im from a trailer park in West Virginia.

Little did I know- they could have cared less.
Little did I know- that part didn't matter to them.
Little did I know- my mom could have driven a corvette *easily* on the amount of money it took to send me to North Hills for 6 years.
Little did I know- my caring about what others thought, wasn't how I was raised. And it shouldnt have been my main concern.
But that's just it- little did I know.

Then flash forward 15 years and I'm the parent.
I'm the one making lasting decisions for, not only one, but two human beings. The level of wisdom (or what you hope is wisdom) rises. It breaks way to an inner beast in you to do what is right above all else. It's now that I realize what a sacrifice private Christian School was for my parents, and I value it like a treasure. They valued the fact that Christ could be the center of my education, and His name was freely spoken.

Recently our church started -July Family Nights- and adults have a choice in a few classes to take. Our choice was the "Culturing your children in faith" class. Its nice, for once, to sit on the other side of the teacher and learn. But it has sparked an interest in my heart to encourage other parents as well. This morning I ran across the Christian Parent Manifesto that a lady created for in her house- its great. Click the link to read her article-

I'll be posting a recap of our parenting class each week this month, feel free to read it and absorb what God tells us about parenting!


Ugh. It's a battle.

Its been a battle.

A battle to have joy..
a battle to be encouraged...
a battle to look forward to the years to come.

But- "The battle is the Lord's" not mine. Whew! Thank goodness, because these days I can't do it alone.

Those have been some of my feelings lately, and for my Christian friends- I'm sure you've felt it too. Now, Im not sure if "the end is near" but man, it definitely seems like things can't get much worse in our world. Millions of sweet babies killed, pridefully endorsing sin, and a government that hasn't the slightest clue on how to function....

Seems a lot like the Israelites doesn't it? They lived in some of the hardest times, and sometimes strayed away from God.

But they always came back,
and he always forgave.
Not because He had to.
Because He wanted to.

So when you feel like there is no hope for the US, there is- its Christ's love.
(Not the worldly definition of Christ's love...the I-know-Him-and-talk-with-Him-love-is-felt-in-the-heart kind of love)
And that should make us keep pressing on more than anything.  :)

Later I'm going to post a parenting post that Ive been working on. Be sure to check it out!
