Sunday, September 7, 2014

Borrow some faith...and maybe some paint. ;)

There are many times that you have to be open to listening to God...even when you aren't necessarily captivated by your speaker.  Its your choice whether you will hear what God is trying to tell you. Today in our church service, I felt like I heard more than I have in a while. The sermon dealt with doubt.  We all struggle with it.  Whether its doubting ourself, doubting our faith, doubting others, etc.  He made a valid point that journaling helps you in the hard times to be able to look back and prove to yourself that God has worked in your life. This helps you realize that God didn't leave was in fact YOU that strayed away from Him.  Then he lead into helpful steps when you doubt: 1.) Admit your doubts...not always easy to do. 2.) Borrow some faith...lean on others who are confident at the time. 3.) Act on FAITH not doubt. 4.) Keep going back to what you know is truth. And we know all truth is God's truth. 5.) Go "all in" and give it your all no matter what the outcome might be.  We don't have all the answers, but God does. :)

2 Timothy 1 "I know whom I have believed."

On a side note, our day today was packed full of baby business. First, we scored a super deal at the Whimsical Wardrobe (one of the best kid consignment stores around) for a crib/changing table set for Luke Dean... I mean GREAT deal. Then headed over to eat a super yummy chicken-n'-dumpling lunch at Garrett's dad's house.  Then my favorite part of the day...we came home to move our precious little girl into her big girl room.  We have been working hard...well...Garrett has been working hard... to get it painted this weekend.  Its coming together and she's sleeping in it for the first time tonight.  Bitter sweet for this Mommy who rocked her at wee hours in the other bedroom.  Trying not to get too sentimental because I know its just preparing for her little spunky brother Luke to come along. You can see in the pictures that she is super excited about the reading corner.

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