Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Build Their Daddy UP

The old familiar quote-

"I thought I loved you, until I saw you love our children" comes to mind.

Images of wrestling on the floor, chasing little bare feet down the hall, and cuddling chunky toddlers when they fall and cry...flash through my head. 

They are only toddlers.

But they honestly have the best Daddy in the world.

Yesterday was just one of those days. Exhausted doesn't even begin to describe it. You know...the day where you work through your lunch and forget you are supposed to eat? One of those. We come home to a messy house, dishes, stinky laundry, and no dinner.  Kids screaming and whining as he walks through the door. And me...looking (and feeling) like I've been hit by a Mack truck.  His smile lights up the room. "How can I help?" He scoops up the kids, tickles them with his beard, and carries them each under his arms outside.  I stand in the, now so quiet, kitchen and think to myself- wow. Such a selfless man he is right now. In the window I see them walking to the garden, Emma's mouth moving a hundred miles an hour telling him about her day. And he's listening to every word.  Luke- listening and toddling to keep up.

We all want our children to have amazing fathers, right?

What if I told you, it's easier than you think?

When I encourage Garrett, its like turning on a light switch. Motivation, eagerness, and spunk fills his eyes. Everything I desire to see in him takes place. And when I'm down, he will then have the strength to pull me through as well.

How can someone as little as me have this profound of an impact?

Because God designed it that way.

"...it is not good for man to live alone..."
Notice he is talking about the man. Women, our men NEED us. Physically, mentally, and spiritually. They need the companionship and the attention. Whether they ask for it (most won't) or not!

I know what you are thinking...because I have thought it, and still think it often: "Im tired, I dont want to be *needed* anymore, the man is supposed to seek ME out all the time." And I get it, its hard! Some of us give and take more than others.  Recently, I came to the revelation that those excuses above are lies. The devil's lies. He comes to steal, kill, and destroy.  How do you think he will do this best?

You got it- slowly break up a strong marriage.  Satan HATES the family unit. Because it is the best representation of God's everlasting love. So tiny little lies...they can sneak in and before you know it, you believe them as truth.

Instead, God's word tells us to live selfless. Not for self. Meaning, not what you *want* in life.  But that is opposite of what the world says.  The world says life is about what you want and how you feel.  Again, lies.  Marriage is one of the hardest jobs you will ever have. But God tells us not to give up. To push forth with effort even when we feel like there isn't any. 

Garrett and I have been together for 10 years, and just now dedicated ourselves to nightly devotion time together. In front of the Word. Uninterrupted by children, chores, dogs, feeling crummy, etc. Just us. And oh my goodness, what a positive impact it is. If I can encourage ONE mom with this, it will be worth it- dedicate time to your marriage. 

It is in need.
And it deserves it!



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