Thursday, July 9, 2015

Ugh. It's a battle.

Its been a battle.

A battle to have joy..
a battle to be encouraged...
a battle to look forward to the years to come.

But- "The battle is the Lord's" not mine. Whew! Thank goodness, because these days I can't do it alone.

Those have been some of my feelings lately, and for my Christian friends- I'm sure you've felt it too. Now, Im not sure if "the end is near" but man, it definitely seems like things can't get much worse in our world. Millions of sweet babies killed, pridefully endorsing sin, and a government that hasn't the slightest clue on how to function....

Seems a lot like the Israelites doesn't it? They lived in some of the hardest times, and sometimes strayed away from God.

But they always came back,
and he always forgave.
Not because He had to.
Because He wanted to.

So when you feel like there is no hope for the US, there is- its Christ's love.
(Not the worldly definition of Christ's love...the I-know-Him-and-talk-with-Him-love-is-felt-in-the-heart kind of love)
And that should make us keep pressing on more than anything.  :)

Later I'm going to post a parenting post that Ive been working on. Be sure to check it out!


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