Saturday, December 19, 2015

What I Deserve.

What do we deserve?

The world in us wants to say -everything-.

"Our kids deserve the best"
"They deserve not to have hard trials"
"They deserve peace and happiness." ...

I've heard it far too often. And many times I've seen it consume people like a disease.

Does God want greatness for us?
At what cost?
Laying it ALL down for Him.

That means that one of our main goals in parenting must be both to show and teach humility. (Those two must go hand in hand- teach and show)

Please stop using the phrase "Oh hunny, you deserve it." or "Our kids deserve the best". Lose the mindset that what you are trying to do for them must be perfection.  Instead teach them the gospel- you don't *deserve* anything. But your loving and caring God sent Christ just for you, even though you dont deserve him. 

People are not perfect.
Show God's grace to those imperfect people.
That imperfect workplace.
Their imperfect school.
An imperfect waitress who got your order wrong.
An imperfect pastor
Whoever you meet.
Show God's mercy and grace.

It doesn't mean you settle for less.
It means your own humility will promote HIS best and not your own idea of *best*

And honestly, it might mean that at sometimes we aren't happy. Not one place in the Bible does it say that God's number one goal is for us to be comfortable and happy. If I'm not joyful, there's something I need to address in my own thinking...not in someone elses actions or in God's actions. ((Humility))


Take these lyrics today.
If its a hard day, sing them aloud.
I did yesterday.  **Phill. 2:3**

For King and Country "Crave"

Hope sleeps without me
Her sweet dreams surround me,
But I'm left out
I'll need a fix now
To believe, to feel

These rooms are dark now
These halls are hollow,
And so am I
She is hard to find now
To believe, to see

Hope is what we crave,
And that will never change
So I stand and wait
I need a drop of grace
To carry me today,
A simple song to say
It's written on my soul:
Hope's what we crave

I won't turn to dust now
Let these tears rust now
On my face
Give me the spark now
To believe, to see

Hope is what we crave,
And that will never change
So I stand and wait
I need a drop of grace
To carry me today,
A simple song to say
It's written on my soul:
Hope's what we crave

To live, to die,
To lose, to care,
To rise above
To love again

To love again

Hope is what we crave,
And that will never change
So I stand and wait
I need a drop of grace
To carry me today,
A simple song to say
Hope is what we crave
I need a drop of grace
It's written on my soul:
Hope's what we crave

It's written on my soul:
Hope's what we crave

Hope's what we crave

Hope's what I crave

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Stretched THIN.

Im sure you've heard or said that phrase- "they are just stretched thin" or "I can't. ..I'm stretched thin."

When you stretch something thin,
what happens?

Whatever you are stretching starts to become unreliable.
It gets holes, it tears, it unravels. 

People are the same way. And God did not design us to purposely stretch thin. He designed us in His image, to dwell in His peace, and REST. Nowhere in the Bible does it say, "Work to the point of frustration.  Giving Me no time of day, taking matters into your own hands." It is the complete opposite!

Lately, I've really dwelled on the phrase "Remember the Sabbath and keep it Holy." It struck me one Sunday when I looked at what we were doing and wondered how it fit into this command.  Then ironically a friend posted that SAME question on Facebook.  I call it a reminder, not coincidence.

God is so methodical. He is all-knowing, all-present, all-powerful.  And he designed commands for us. Truthfully, if I had designed commandments for the human'd be a massive book. But Him-ten. Just ten! And in the midst of those ten commands is to remember one day, snd to dwell on Him. Its in there guys!!! God sees rest as SO important that he put it in the 10 guidelines to human life. How to put Him first. One thing is- - - REST.

I look around me all the time and notice people stretched thin, myself included. People who had great intentions, but have become consumed with the -work- rather than the -reason-.  People who think that we must do everything to be *happy* or fufilled.  If we are working, and do-ing for God...then it should always bring a smile to our face. Right? Even if no one acknowledges what we are doing?

I myself am SO guilty. We all are. But we should constantly be coming back to His presence for rest.

Do your very best.
He will take care of the rest.

...but in order for Him to help with the have to have a relationship with Him.

Do you?
Are you?

"Then Jesus said, "Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest." MATTHEW 11:28

Be a blessing,


Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Not a bad thing.

What is your initial reaction when something bad happens?

I'm sure if you're like me, you *first* say, "That's awful!"

Or if its something bad that has happened in our country you join in the chant
"we are going to hell in a handbaslet, I cant believe how awful our country is?!"

I realized recently that it is unBiblical, or more importantly unChristlike, to say these things.

Instead of looking at it as a *bad thing* like I described above, look at it like this-

God is bringing wickedness to LIGHT.
Its all coming out.
And that can be a great thing!!!

Think of all of the *bad* that is coming to light right now, that has relatively stayed hidden.

-Planned Parenthood Abortions
-Funding terrorist actions
-Poor American Leadership
-Increased Homosexuality
-Satanic worship
-Ashley Madison ...or whatever that site is called.
-Kanye naming his future child God West??

People can see this as bad.
That reveals truth.
The truth between good-and-evil.
Because WE know that there is such a thing
People can see this an be saved!
Saved from lives of torture and no hope.

We should ooze Jesus Christ in all that we do.  It should be our first and greatest desire.  Do I struggle with this? YES! Absolutely.  But I won't stop the fight to keep showing his mercy, love, and grace to everyone I meet.  I will take each reaction, each struggle, each trial through the lens of Christ.  And if I don't...point it out to me.  If you know me personally and see me on a daily basis- call me out on it!  It doesn't mean that I'll react perfect, or that you will.  But I can guarantee you, in the end, we will be different than this world.

Thats what my hope stands on.
This country is not my future
But I can help change the future of this country. :)

God, thank you.
Thank you for being greater
And living in us.
Thank he who is in the world.
Whatever may come,
Your strength is enough
Thank you for making our heart at peace.
Amist strife and evil.
Here in Your arms, we know who we are.

We repent for our nation that we live in.
And the nation that we know does not follow you.
We beg your mercy upon us and upon our leaders.
Thank you for Jesus
And for life. <3



Wednesday, August 5, 2015

America: That was then. This is NOW.

I heard a song this morning while I was watering flowers that stopped me in my tracks. Its by Josh Wilson and its called "That was then, this is now."

I'm sure this song is written from the perspective of
*to a person*
but I want you to take a moment and imagine this song being sung
*to ALL Christian Americans.*

As soon as I heard it, God told me- "Dont give up hope. You are not Sodom and Gomorrah.  (I was in the past guilty of calling us this) I'm about to release my power across America so that the world can see what you really are. They will see what is being hidden in America. The real gold." I heard it clear as day from Him.

You see Americans, He is prepping us for a massive victory.  Hearts are stirring. And its our job to help -equip those hearts to impact the world- *yep my NHCS peeps will like that. (Its our school mission)

So read this song,
let it digest
Pray that God would use you
-because HE can-
That He would equip you with peace
That radiates from you
So that others
desire what you have.

And I challenge you,
Share this post.
Share it so that more people can read this truth and get
:) -kay

"We used to hide from the light
We made friends with the night
We were headed the wrong way on a one way track
Going nowhere fast

We got used to the dark
We thought this is who we are
And we figured that we were just too far gone
But we were wrong

‘Cause love came running like a river
And we got washed in the water
Then He said you're forgiven
Your sins are gone

That was then, this is now
You’re bought by the blood, saved by the Son the saints all sing about
That was lost, this is found
And it’s time to say goodbye to the old you now

So go ahead, put the past in the past
Box it up like an old photograph
You don’t have to go back
‘Cause that was then and this is now

We've been remade by grace
We've all got new names
And nothing we do could ever change
What He did that day

When love came running like a river
And we got washed in the water
Then He said you’re forgiven
And you belong

That was then, this is now
You’re bought by the blood, saved by the Son the saints all sing about
That was lost, this is found
And it’s time to say goodbye to the old you now

So go ahead, put the past in the past
Box it up like an old photograph
You don’t have to go back
‘Cause that was then

If we turn and confess every unrighteousness
He is faithful and just to forgive
Oh, so turn and confess every wrong and regret
And see what it means to live

That was then, this is now
You’re bought by the blood, saved by the Son the saints all sing about
That was lost, this is found
And it’s time to say goodbye to the old you now

So go ahead, put the past in the past
Box it up like an old photograph
You don’t have to go back
‘Cause that was then and this is now

So go ahead, put the past in the past
Box it up like an old photograph
You don’t have to go back
‘Cause that was then and this is now"

Friday, July 31, 2015

Move the mountain...okay no prob!

(John 14:12) "Truly I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do. And greater works than these will he do, because I am going to the Father."

Did I read that right?
Jesus said and you will do greater things than I...

Pretty hard to digest huh?

I *Katie* could more than Jesus?
No really, just think about it in a non prideful way-
He means that each of us who have accepted Him, carry Him with us. Its God's will for people to be saved, and for people to be healed so that they can see Him work. We are the messengers!

Now, before you think "Eh, I dont have the faith for that. I know people can heal in Jesus name, but thats not me."

It is.

There are so many promises and provisions that we can unlock by -just- believing, and stating them! Now, how can you state them, and claim what God has given you if you dont know them? Answer is- you cant. You have to dive into His word.

Even if its boring.
Even if you dont think youre absorbing it.

Scripture says that the Word will cleanse you. It will heal you. Of all unrighteousness.  (see the picture of my Bible notes from Psalm 119- our clues from David about the Word.)

So have you sat down to read today?
Have you given yourself spiritual food for the great fight?

If not, do it! You wont regret it one bit!

"We have hope
That His promises are true
In His strength
there is nothing we (*HE*) cant do.

The same power
That rose Jesus from the grave
The same power
That commands the dead to wake
The same power
That moves mountain when He speaks
The same power
That calms the raging seas
Lives in us.
Lives in US."



Thursday, July 9, 2015

The Parenting Manifesto

We are THAT family.
We always were THAT family.

Limited television,  a bell to call you in for dinner-(you better not let it ring twice), saying sorry because its important,  no cussing, no nasty jokes, rarely going to amusement parks or sleep away camps, family was your rock. I glad it happened that way.

The image still as fresh as yesterday-

A clunky dodge caravan puttering down the road. The fake "wood siding" on it peeled off and flapping in the wind like a windsock. I hunch down as we turn into the parking lot. Brakes squeeking and the motor sounds like a cat -literally- was dying inside it.
There they were..
all of my friends standing in the parking lot waiting. "Ugh, why didn't they go inside??" I thought to myself. I get out with the understanding that I could turn completely invisible if I didn't say a word. Mama yells, "Bye!!!! Have a good day!!!" In her holey Atlanta Braves tshirt. "Welp. There it went" I thought, they've definitely noticed me now, and probably think Im from a trailer park in West Virginia.

Little did I know- they could have cared less.
Little did I know- that part didn't matter to them.
Little did I know- my mom could have driven a corvette *easily* on the amount of money it took to send me to North Hills for 6 years.
Little did I know- my caring about what others thought, wasn't how I was raised. And it shouldnt have been my main concern.
But that's just it- little did I know.

Then flash forward 15 years and I'm the parent.
I'm the one making lasting decisions for, not only one, but two human beings. The level of wisdom (or what you hope is wisdom) rises. It breaks way to an inner beast in you to do what is right above all else. It's now that I realize what a sacrifice private Christian School was for my parents, and I value it like a treasure. They valued the fact that Christ could be the center of my education, and His name was freely spoken.

Recently our church started -July Family Nights- and adults have a choice in a few classes to take. Our choice was the "Culturing your children in faith" class. Its nice, for once, to sit on the other side of the teacher and learn. But it has sparked an interest in my heart to encourage other parents as well. This morning I ran across the Christian Parent Manifesto that a lady created for in her house- its great. Click the link to read her article-

I'll be posting a recap of our parenting class each week this month, feel free to read it and absorb what God tells us about parenting!


Ugh. It's a battle.

Its been a battle.

A battle to have joy..
a battle to be encouraged...
a battle to look forward to the years to come.

But- "The battle is the Lord's" not mine. Whew! Thank goodness, because these days I can't do it alone.

Those have been some of my feelings lately, and for my Christian friends- I'm sure you've felt it too. Now, Im not sure if "the end is near" but man, it definitely seems like things can't get much worse in our world. Millions of sweet babies killed, pridefully endorsing sin, and a government that hasn't the slightest clue on how to function....

Seems a lot like the Israelites doesn't it? They lived in some of the hardest times, and sometimes strayed away from God.

But they always came back,
and he always forgave.
Not because He had to.
Because He wanted to.

So when you feel like there is no hope for the US, there is- its Christ's love.
(Not the worldly definition of Christ's love...the I-know-Him-and-talk-with-Him-love-is-felt-in-the-heart kind of love)
And that should make us keep pressing on more than anything.  :)

Later I'm going to post a parenting post that Ive been working on. Be sure to check it out!


Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Diary of a toddler.

I've been thinking for a while about how to write even just a FEW of the funny things that I deal with on a daily basis, and I just HAVE to share.

Any of you with toddlers currently, or Mommies who remember these days all too will definitely relate.

Let me just say-

"Mommy, why are you spraying that smelly stuff on the window.  You're wiping it!  My hand art is beautiful.  When you turn around I will make it again on the window and the oven...and maybe the dishwasher too.  There. Perfect."

"Where are we? 
What is this stuff on the ground.  
It looks like cookie crumbs everywhere!  
You put me in this tight outfit 
...with no sleeves or pants.  
And a weird diaper.  
And rubbed white stuff all over my body. 
Its sticky, and smelly.  
The sun is bright, and I cannot see right!  
OH MY WORD...WHY did you bring me here, 
I do not like walking on these cookie crumbs.
**Screams bloody murder** 
That is a giant bath tub 
that splashes over there.  
I mean a GIANT bath tub.  
You know I don't like being splashed at all.  
Or do you know me at all?? 
Because if you did, you would not bring your princess here! 
DADDY, hold me!!!!"

(But in Emma language she simply screamed and said- "no beach.")

Emma's new interpretation of the word fork. You can imagine.  
She says it *clear as day* f*ck.  
There is NO changing it, 
no matter how many times we say, yes FORK! :) 
Sweet little innocent Emma has to name everyone's forks at the table.  
Our dinner conversation usually starts off: 
Emma: "Mommy's f*ck, Daddy's f*ck, Emmees f*ck.....Mommy an Daddy's f*ck" which Garrett chuckles and says- "Yep, you're right!!" ;)

*My favorite*-

Mommy: "Emma, I'm going to teach you a very important song that is about America.  Its about the flag.  Here- you can hold a flag and wave it while we sing- 'You're a grand ole flag, you're a high flying flag....can you wave your flag and sing with me?"

Emma: (waves flag and sings in proudest voice) "Hot dog, hot dog, hot diggity doggggggg"

Mommy: "Seriously??"

Summer "cuteness"

Wow, its been forever since I've written. Well...not that I have ANYTHING cute and tiny taking up every moment of my time...right? ;)

Life has been beautiful and crazy lately. But I wanted to share a few inspirations in decor and simplifying life-

1. Michaels and Goodwill (preferrably the one in Cornelius) are your best friend if you need to decorate. Here are my latest decor projects.

2. You can totally root late tomato plants from the "suckers" that you pull off of your summer ones. These little guys started at about an inch tall. Look at them now. The planter cups work great, and I just keep them in these little vintage desert cups to keep water around it. I will plant them in about 3 weeks. :)

3. Capsule closet- yes I did it!!! WITH two babies "helping" me. My capsule is not as small as the bloggers that inspired me. But I do have a dress capsule, work capsule, and each season capsule. Love the simplicity compared to chaos in my closet before. I also hung up all of my purses and bags so that I could see and use them. Instead of just letting them sit in a bin! 

4. Read the "she reads truth" app. Its a must! Its just enough in the morning to fill me for a little while. Right now she is doing fruits of the spirit and its a great reminder for daily life, marriage and parenting! And it distracts you from the crazy, nasty, world we live in. Anyone tired of hearing the words Bruce Jenner?? *raises hand* ME!!! Escape from it all. Dwell in the Word, turn off the news, and just sit outside and listen to Him.

Have a blessed day and be a blessing.


Wednesday, April 15, 2015

I'm More Than You Think I Am...

To say that this week has been a spiritual roller-coaster is saying it lightly.
I mean WOW.

Do you (the person who is reading this) realize that you are SO much more than the life that you live on this Earth?

All these years, I have lived a life full of grace and love.  A life with two parents who devoted their entire lives to serving a Lord that I KNEW existed.  I served Him too, but with devotion, worship, and motions.


The difference between then and now is that NOW I SEE Him.  He is there.  Right behind us.  He has not abandoned His people!  He is our best friend.  And He longs for each and every one of our hearts.  Do you know Him? I mean, really know Him? Do you know Him so much to where you can't think of your life without Him in it, and cannot get your mind off of His purpose?


Ponder on these words: Its from a song that I "sang" for so long now and did not "hear" what the words were screaming out to my soul.

"Rumor has it, there's a gavel in my hand
I'm only here to condem
Let me tell you secrets you have never known
I think of you as my best friend.

So much has been said
Even done in my name
But I'm showing you now
Who I really am."

Face it- a time is coming.  I know you can all feel it, soon there will be so much despair that people will have absolutely no hope except for Jesus Christ.  He WILL be the Savior and the saving grace we are all searching for.  It just so happens that I rediscovered the overwhelming love through dreams and now a mountain of revelations.  The same Spirit that is in me lives inside each and every person who has accepted Jesus for what He is.

John 8:36 "If the Son has set you free, you are free indeed."

So get ready.  The floodgates are about to open. :)


Saturday, April 11, 2015

O For A Thousand Tongues

Lets see a show of hands for those who have "insomnia" ?!

Probably more of you than I think.
When I was pregnant I almost saw it as a curse...but it isnt. Its nighttime that I get my most intimate time with God. My awesome God whom I have the pleasure of serving wakes me up pretty often now.

Woke up with that oh familiar feeling. The feeling of the stomach bug...yes, again! This time there was no hesitating. I started praying... "Healed by the power of the blood of Jesus, I know He is going to cleanse my body of all unrighteousness.  He says in His word If the Son sets you free you are free indeed."....

After a half hour of praising Him for what He does, I hear a little voice. I go into Emmas room and her music was playing in her crib (a seahorse called SuSu that she can turn on) so I knew she was up. I go over to her crib and she says:

"Mama oh no."

I take this to mean shes feeling sick too. I said "here, Mommy pray." I held her little tiny hand and prayed for her. When I was finished she grabbed my hand again and said "pay mama" (pray)...oh what a joy to my heart!

Our kids are seeing it. They know how awesome our God is already at such an early age. If you haven't heard Emma say the blessing over food, you need to...she yells AMEN at the end for all to hear. 

When I got back in bed I turned on She Reads Truth and go to my saved hymns. Read O For A Thousand Tongues to Sing. It was perfect. For this moment. God taught me so much...that its not about "selling" Him to others. Its about living a life of praise that is so infectious that people cant help but to have the peace that I have.

A friend of mine posted on her wall yesterday a link to a story about a mans dream and what it meant after God revealed the meaning to him. Her quote at the top was "Thats my Jesus!"
...this is how we should be daily. SO proud of our God that we cant help but scream- Thats MY Jesus!!!

Have an awesome BLESSED morning yall. ;)

Google- She Reads Truth- Oh For A Thousand!

Monday, March 23, 2015

I can face tomorrow.

With two little babies and a part time job that I love, blogging has been put on the back burner.  So, here is an update.

-Baby Luke is doing amazing.  Seriously, the best baby. ever.  He sleeps 10 hours at night (though he squeaks in his sleep and keeps his Mommy from sleeping..) and can raise his head up while on his belly.

-Emma had her first cold of the winter season.  Other than that, she is a healthy, mouthy, independent little thing.  She amazes us at how much she learns each day.  Her favorite activity is going outside with her Daddy.

-Katie and Garrett (don't you love how I refer to us in the 3rd person) are taking dates every so often, but we are planning on taking more soon.  Life is definitely different with our sweet ones.  We are exhausted more than we are energized.  And our "efforts" to do P90x are!

So much has been going on in my mind. More than I can type.  We are currently living in such a trying time in our world. Its Biblical, and inevitable.  But sometimes don't you just feel like the weight of the world is too much? Like you don't see the purpose in trying? I was thinking/talking to God today and He laid this song on my heart.  I bet I hadn't sung it in years and years, and instantly I'm remembering every tune.  It is not just a song, but a promise, a hope.  We do not have to fear death, we do not have to fear bringing children into this evil world.

Well, let me share with you the song-

Bill Gaither wrote this song.  We used to sing it at Enon Baptist a long time ago when we went there.  Its called "Because He lives."

God send His son, they call Him Jesus.
He came to love, heal and forgive
He lived and died, to buy my pardon
An empty grave is there to prove my Savior lives.

Because He lives, I can face tomorrow.
Because He lives, all fear is gone.
Because I know, He holds the future.
And life is worth the living just because He lives.

How sweet to hold, a newborn baby
And feel the pride, and joy he gives
But greater still, the calm assurance (wow!)
This child CAN face uncertain days because He lives!

Because He lives, I CAN FACE TOMORROW!....

What a peaceful, assuring song.  This world is not our home, and we do not have to fear what is to come.  God wants us to be prepared and to stand firm on His righteousness, even in the midst of evil.  I think of the verse, "Train a child up in the way he shall go, and when he is older, he shall never depart from it." Prov. 22:6

I hope that you have a blessed day and that you know- because He lives, YOU can face tomorrow :)

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Luke's birth story

That word can mean so much.
Some people could take it negatively, but in Luke's life, unplanned has really meant God-planned. Luke was not planned by us. We now call him our little "annointed one" because his conception, pregnancy, and birth are all so wonderful.
In the world we live in, its so easy to get swept away in doing things by your own plan. In a Christians walk with the Lord, we learn that God wants us to let go of our will and follow His. After all, He is the beginning and the end. He HAS been there. He knows the suffering or pain we might go through. A week before delivery, my Mawmaw and I were eating lunch and she said that that week, while praying for Luke and others, she heard God say, "For my Glory." Neither of us knew what it meant...but we'd soon find out.
Luke's labor started around midnight. I kept having "braxton hicks" that wouldnt really go away. Theyd follow a type of pattern and then get totally off. False labor. Thats what I thought. Because I have these all the time! Until one of them hit me and made me grab the dresser. Hmm..maybe not. They still werent consistent at all... not that textbook labor. Well it was at 5am that I finally laid on my side and got some rest. I called and scheduled my dr appt for the day to be earlier so that I could find out if these easy contractions were leading to something. It was a great choice to do that because I was already a 4cm! The dr suggested to break my water since I was overdue. After looking at how low Luke's fluids might be low, we thought it was a good idea. I was so nervous because I did not want pitocin. So we went in with confidence in Gods promises to us (Psalm 91) that HE would deliver this baby...and Ohh did he. This was my chance to trust God with the water breaking to start real labor, and trust Him that His plan was greater than my own.
Water broke 12:30 pm.
Complete and ready to push at 2:30 pm. Could not ask for more of a blessing!
Each contraction that I had for those two hours was taken one by one. I remembered Matthew 6 that says, do not worry about tomorrow for today has enough trouble of its own. Well...each contraction had enough trouble, so why worry about the next one?
With Emmas birth, I never had that urge to push, but with Luke...he was coming whether anyone else liked it or not! Dr. Mills almost didnt make it in time. Luckily I had some rockin' nurses who could have totally handled it on their own. :)
Since the beginning of my pregnancy, I have called little Luke a child of peace. We all know that someone doesnt usually PLAN to have kids this his pregnancy came as a surprise. No prior worrying needed!
The entire pregnancy: peaceful.
Hardly any complaints, no swelling, perfect check ups, only 20 lbs gained... it was peaceful. And his birth was nothing short of that- peaceful. Contractions were only 30-45 sec, and not very painful, and I pushed for 15 min. But this was not on my own. My mind was so submerged in Gods peace that nothing, at this point, could distract me. I literally felt him take away the pain!
Here is the amazing part- during one of my last pushes, I remember looking up and seeing at least 8 nurses and doctors standing around in the room. Silent. Before I went into labor I had a strong feeling that this time Id want to bring a playlist of songs with me. Im so glad we did. Garrett turned it on for us earlier and the songs were like comforting words to my ears. So during these last pushes the song "Breath of Heaven" was the one to play. I started crying in amazement and sang along through the last pushes. One nurse said, "Okay get ready to push" in which I responded, "No God is pushing, just let him handle this!"  They all fell quiet. See...they didnt know the peace that I felt inside, but this time, they could see the peace in me. Many of them were there for Emmas birth that was much different.
It was at that moment I heard,
"For my Glory."
If there's ever a moment where time stood still, it was right then for me. Proof of His existence in what Mawmaw had said last week. Proof thst He could give me what I longed for- a short, beautiful, natural birth.  But this was for His glory- to show everyone in that room how powerful and loving our God is. Through something as "everyday" as a birth at the hospital. But for them, I dont think this was an every day birth.
If you have never heard the song "Breath of Heaven" it is from Marys perspective. And I couldnt help but think...what did she feel on that night at Christmas?
"Breath of Heaven, hold me together...pour over me your holiness...breath of heaven."
I'll put my playlist in another post in case anyone needs it.  We named it "Peaceful Playlist" and these songs are so very special to my soul now. :)
Welcome to the world Luke Dean Campbell! God has such an amazing plan for your life...we cant wait to see what it is!