Friday, November 28, 2014

Strength in Sickness

Its coming, you know it.  You get that sniffle...that achy stomach.  Immediately you think to yourself, "NO. Please don't be getting sick."

That is what hit me at midnight on Tuesday.  The aching and the thoughts that the stomach flu had hit our house for the first time in years.  And oh did it.  I was the most sick of all, out of our whole family.  Its so easy to start feeling sorry for yourself as soon as you get sick...and in this case I did, which was completely wrong.  I tried "praying" and notice I put that in quotes.  My heart wasn't in it.  I was exhausted (no excuse) and defeated (still no excuse).

What are we to do then? I can tell you simply...we fall to Satan.

James 4:7 says "Submit yourselves, then, to God.  Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Come near to God, and He will come near to you." That is exactly what I failed to do.  I failed to resist the devil completely.  I felt sorry for myself, felt sick, payed attention to my flesh. The last part of myself that I should have paid attention to.

2 Thessalonians 5:23- You are made up of spirit, soul, and body...and you must take care of them in that order.  Your spirit (the Holy Spirit), your soul (mind, will, and emotions) and your flesh body.  How many times in life do we do that order completely opposite? I struggle with it so much.  We focus on our bodies to make them beautiful, or healthy, but the main goal is to keep our spirit and our soul healthy...and the body will follow.

This mistake of mine led to a five hour hospital visit hooked up to every IV and labor and delivery monitor you could think of, while all the time I'm thinking "Why am I here? This could have been rebuked from the beginning!"

It was such a learning experience for me in two ways.

1.) Your words and thoughts are SO very powerful.  They shape your soul...and they are YOUR choice and yours alone.  I know this in my heart so true, yet I still struggle with it like anyone else.  I've believed for years that if someone doesn't believe they will get well- they won't.  You can pray for someone, and that is a wonderful thing, but if they do not have the strength to believe that they will be healed, it won't happen.

2.) God has given me an incredible gift.  This gift is overlooked so many days out of the week, and neglected on some days too.  Of all of the gifts I've received, it is the most precious (besides my salvation).  I know you are probably thinking, oh she's talking about her Bible or scripture...well no...I include those in salvation.
This gift is Garrett.  No, I'm not putting him on a pedestal, I know better.  Throughout my life I've been taught that putting others up high would only harm my spirit and soul.  No...but I do thank God for him every day.  I do not near deserve the love that he gives.  Sounds familiar doesn't it?  Lately, through two back to back pregnancies,  looking my worst, acting my worst...I felt surely he would be tired of me.  But no.  He still looks at me like we are 17 years old.  And just this year, it has hit me like  a ton of bricks- he loves me no matter what.  I truly believe that God gave me him to SHOW me a glimpse of the Lord's love in everyday circumstances.  I grew up seeing this in my Daddy.  Even at such a young age, I understood it.  I knew that the patience, kindness, and love that he had was like no other.  I grew up seeing it, but I still always had a hard time believing God could love me so much through the rough times.  Why would he want to love someone who forgets to read their Bible, who doubts, who whines, etc.  Its an unfailing love.  And thank you Lord for this glimpse of it here on earth....I am so grateful for both you and him. <3

So...maybe this will speak to you if you are struggling with sickness right now.  Or maybe you can save these thoughts until later when you need them.  I am in no way someone to give advice.  I just don't mind writing down what I've gone through. :)

Have a blessed day!


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