I was just finishing cleaning up Emma's room before Garrett put her to bed. KLove was blaring in the background, and what was said on the radio made me stop. One of those moments where it seemed like it was meant for my ears. Maybe it is meant for yours as well. :)
They started off with a little bio....Ruth Bell (Graham) was born in China to a mission driven family. Her childhood was filled with watching Chinese children, being compassionate toward them, and understanding the need to share Christ with them. She dreamnt of serving the Lord, single handed, in the mission field...and in her mind she imagined...the far corners of the earth. But God had another plan for sweet Ruth. Her training and experience in China was not in vain. It was meant for five wonderful souls- her children. When she met Billy she fell in love and soon married him. Her past dreams were now behind her, and she saw her future. She stayed home and raised all five children to love their God with all of their heart.
I found myself almost in tears listening to this tiny bit of her life. In so many ways it reflects my own. Spending years in college and five years teaching, I could imagine nothing else for myself but the life of a classroom teacher. After all, I was serving the Lord, and teaching wonderful children. It wasn't until I looked into my little girl's eyes last year in October that I knew it all had changed. She was my student now. I didn't care how much I had to sacrifice to be home with her and teach her, I would make it happen. There would be glorious days and trying days...much like the classroom. We would fight, and make up. She would watch intently as I told her about new things. We would marvel at God's world in wonder as we read books....
Maybe I am the only one who feels this way...but the reason I stopped tonight is that I STILL catch myself doubting from time to time. I doubt whether I made the right choice. When I walk past a classroom, the feeling comes right back to me. Inside I want to jump right in and start their next lesson on addition and use my alligator puppet for greater than/less than. Years of lesson plans...gone to waste? "No, Katie"...God tells me tonight. Just like Ruth's training wasn't in vain, yours isn't either. You will raise soldiers for Me. You will use all of that knowledge for your children's minds. Ahh. Sigh of relief. It feels so good to be comforted by the One who knows you best.
Life is real, He is real, and we are meant for a purpose. Just because you are a "Mom" doesn't mean you are less than a nurse, doctor, or lawyer. Truthfully, you are all of those things plus more. :) And through the spit up, crying, and messes...that alone gives me a great reason to smile.
Well...that and her cute little stinky face ;)
Have a blessed night my friends!
Also^^ this awesome toy is our night time toy. Highly recommend, if your kids are little, having a toy designated for the night time "fussiness". Thank you Teris Kidz sale for this steal!
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