Sunday, September 28, 2014

Weekend Getaway

This weekend G and I celebrated our 4 year wedding anniversary. First time ever leaving Emma overnight...and I only called my mom twice! Now I understand why people talk about time flying. It's going by so fast!

We went to the Inn on Mill Creek for the second time...loooove it there. Its super reasonably priced, quaint, clean, and right near Black Mountain. Dave cooks the best breakfasts for the guests. Sausage quiche...pumpkin yummy. Garrett found this little slice of heaven a few years ago for my Christmas gift. I enjoyed it then, but even more this time.

I realized how important it is to MAKE yourself have getaways after you have babies. You are thrown into parenthood, and contrary to what others think, it doesnt "stop" when you need a break. Babies and houses are a 24 hour job! :) A good job, but everyone needs a sigh of relief from responsibilities every now and then.

We ate at some amazing places. My favorite was the restaurant at the peak of Mt. Mitchell. You dine at a full glass wall of 6,000 ft elevation views...and yes, the leaves were changing up that high! 

We were in heaven. Maybe one day G and I will cruise Mt. Mitchell in his 1967 pickup truck...

So to all my friends who are in the same "mom" boat as me...make yourself get away even if its for the day! If you dont have a babysitter, we will find you one. ;)

You can follow the Inn at Mill Creek on facebook, and also Bridgette has a blog where she posts recipes!

Heres little Luke at 6 1/2 months :) such a sweet boy, I can tell already. 

Thursday, September 25, 2014

The Little Things

Its gloomy, dreary, sick feeling weeks where you really appreciate the little things. Like your mom making dinner for you three nights in a row! Spoiled? Yes, I am. But who would deny her food? Yea...thats what I thought. 

So below are 3 new "little" favorites.

1. A homemade birthday party. :) Emma is having a farm themed birthday party and I've basically "Pinterested" (thats now an actual word, right?) everything...but with my own twist. Hoping she'll appreciate her homemade parties at our house one day when she looks back on memories. I'm sure I'll post a birthday post later, but here's a sneak peek..

Homemade farm sign for the door :)

The cutest centerpieces you ever did see. They have little cows on the bottles! $1 at Michaels! 

2. doTerra lavendar oil...oh Im officially obsessed. If its possible to get addicted to that fragrance then sign me up for therapy. My dear friend in FL sells doTerra (pure high quality EOs), and after my last EO (essential oil) post, she has educated me out the woozah. Who knew I had SO much to learn...or that there WAS so much to learn about EOs. Another post to come later, Im still researching and reviewing the samples she sent to me....but I love it so far!

3. Recipe for elderberry gummies to help this winter with adding nutrients to fight off sickness.

I absolutely love snap mom by the way.
My favorite blogs to follow are:
100 days of real food,
snap mom,
food babe (rock on),
and humbled homemaker.

One of them is from Mooresville....cant remember which one. Hippie homemaker also has some good research behind things that she posts...but can go a tad crazy on the "earthy" side sometimes ;)

Anyways....crazy long post, I'll sign off now. :) What are your favorite little things this week?

Emma would say her favorite "little" thing is not this dreary weather, but in fact her dirty ole pooh bear. She cant leave the house without this lil guy. :) 
...also I DO notice from this pic that a lint roller is much needed on sweet things car seat. Whoa babe... fuzz city!

Friday, September 19, 2014

Its still a REAL job to God.

I was just finishing cleaning up Emma's room before Garrett put her to bed.  KLove was blaring in the background, and what was said on the radio made me stop.  One of those moments where it seemed like it was meant for my ears.  Maybe it is meant for yours as well. :) 

They started off with a little bio....Ruth Bell (Graham) was born in China to a mission driven family.  Her childhood was filled with watching Chinese children, being compassionate toward them, and understanding the need to share Christ with them.  She dreamnt of serving the Lord, single handed, in the mission field...and in her mind she imagined...the far corners of the earth.  But God had another plan for sweet Ruth.  Her training and experience in China was not in vain.  It was meant for five wonderful souls- her children.  When she met Billy she fell in love and soon married him.  Her past dreams were now behind her, and she saw her future.  She stayed home and raised all five children to love their God with all of their heart.  

I found myself almost in tears listening to this tiny bit of her life.  In so many ways it reflects my own.  Spending years in college and five years teaching, I could imagine nothing else for myself but the life of a classroom teacher.  After all, I was serving the Lord, and teaching wonderful children.  It wasn't until I looked into my little girl's eyes last year in October that I knew it all had changed.  She was my student now. I didn't care how much I had to sacrifice to be home with her and teach her, I would make it happen. There would be glorious days and trying days...much like the classroom. We would fight, and make up.  She would watch intently as I told her about new things.  We would marvel at God's world in wonder as we read books....

Maybe I am the only one who feels this way...but the reason I stopped tonight is that I STILL catch myself doubting from time to time.  I doubt whether I made the right choice.  When I walk past a classroom, the feeling comes right back to me.  Inside I want to jump right in and start their next lesson on addition and use my alligator puppet for greater than/less than.  Years of lesson plans...gone to waste?  "No, Katie"...God tells me tonight. Just like Ruth's training wasn't in vain, yours isn't either.  You will raise soldiers for Me. You will use all of that knowledge for your children's minds. Ahh.  Sigh of relief.  It feels so good to be comforted by the One who knows you best.  

Life is real, He is real, and we are meant for a purpose.  Just because you are a "Mom" doesn't mean you are less than a nurse, doctor, or lawyer. Truthfully, you are all of those things plus more.  :) And through the spit up, crying, and messes...that alone gives me a great reason to smile. 

Well...that and her cute little stinky face ;)

Have a blessed night my friends! 

Also^^ this awesome toy is our night time toy. Highly recommend, if your kids are little, having a toy designated for the night time "fussiness". Thank you Teris Kidz sale for this steal! 

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

FALL into fall

Ever get that calming feeling inside when you see leaves blowing in the wind and pumpkins covering a drying field?
I do. Every year, Like clockwork.

Well...this year....maybe because I missed out on it last year with Emma's birth...its worse than ever.  I am craving, smelling, and even tasting fall. Summer is in the rear view for us, and on to the more cool calming season of the year.  All my life it has been my favorite time of the year.  Almost four years ago our wedding was held at the end of September.  That time from mid-September to mid-November is almost magical to me.  I even find myself jealous of my daughter's birthday month.  What a wonderful time for an outdoor farm birthday party this year!

Well, since Wednesdays are our "wind down" days in our house, I'm trying a new fall recipe.  Well...a few to be exact.  They were pinterest finds, but I'm totally smitten.  Let me know if you end up trying them and like them too!

Follow me on pinterest if you want to see all of my 50 million (exaggeration) albums with recipes and such.  There is one that is called "Fall Yums" where I stash my favorite Fall dishes. :) 

Here is tonight's menu-

Main Dish- grilled honey mustard chicken

Side Dish- baked zucchini and carrots and hashbrown casserole

Bread- garlic cheese twists

Desert- Honey Bun Cake (family recipe, ask if you want it) :)

What are your favorite things to do in the fall?

This year we are planning to go to the Pumpkin festival in the mountains.  Super stoked.  It isn't until October, so what to do in the meantime? Well, "husband of the year" booked our favorite mountain cabin for the weekend celebrate our 4 year anniversary.  Have I mentioned how awesome he is? SO excited about our getaway and going out to eat at an adult restaurant without hurrying back to a babysitter...heaven sent!

Adding Fall "beauties" to the house today!

Monday, September 15, 2014

A 6 month reminder...if I have the time...

Sometimes in the hustle and bustle its easy to forget Im pregnant.  When I was pregnant with Emma, every move and every feeling was examined. I took naps religiously,  and ate everything healthy. I did stretches, squats, and anticipated labor at like....week 2.  Anytime I tried to lift something, people would move heaven and earth to make sure I didnt. With poor little Luke, I feel like its flying by! No one marvels at the mystery of my pregnancy this time...which honestly keeps them from seeing how run down I look! ;) Chasing around a toddler really changes a pregnancy for sure. BUT in the midst of it all, I can feel such a peace from this kid, more so than ever. He calms me and helps me not to worry this time around. His sister will love him...I won't ignore either of them once he comes...and so on. :)

So..since Im officially 6 months pregnant, here's six great things about him:

1.) He was definitely meant for a divine reason, because he was on God's timing!

2.) He likes to snuggle. Actually not just nestle down into the farthest part of my bladder possible. I'll remind him one day when Mom can't "hold it" on long trips anymore because of him. ;)

3.) This kid must have an addiction to beef. Its all I want to eat! Lord have mercy, please dont let him be 9 lb because of it.

4.) If old wives tales are true, he will have a head full of hair. Because like his sister, he is giving me horrible raging heart burn!

5.) He is my daily reminder that God's plan is bigger than my own, and that God must see me fit as a mom to send me another sweetheart so soon.

6.) I cannot wait to kiss his sweet face.

We love you sweet Luke Dean :) Happy 6 months!

Saturday, September 13, 2014

A Day with the Princess

What a wonderful day for it to have been so gloomy outside! Emma and I spent most of the day "nesting" as I call it. Laundry, cleaning, emails, playing together, etc. She is so much fun to be around! (Especially now that her cold is gone...much thanks to the things listed a few posts ago)

Managed to squeeze in time to make an early supper before heading to Teris Kidz sale in Mooresville. Many people know this recipe as "Mawmaw Dot vegetable soup" and oh was it yummy. Ive listed the recipe for anyone who wants to make some. Quantities arent listed because she said its up to you to put however much you want in it! I take her advice :)

Veggie/Beef Soup:
-sliced carrots
-peeled, diced potatoes
-browned and drained beef
-tomatoes, juice, and paste
-salt, pepper, all spice
-black eyed peas, cooked old style (the secret ingredient!!)

Emma and I scooted out to the Teris Kidz sale in Mooresville.  For fellow mamas who love deals, this event (2x a year) is the BOMB! Yes that phrase is so outdated, but seriously...I find great deals every year there! We rarely buy new...I always buy nice used things and it pays off! Literally. ;) 

Heres Emma with her new baby stroller WITH doll for Gigis house. Best $4 ever! 

Friday, September 12, 2014

Freeze frame time

It seems like yesterday that I was counting kicks, watching what I lifted, and waiting for little Emma to arrive into the world. Little did I know, this past year would be both the hardest and most amazing all at the same time.

There's nothing anyone can say to fully prepare you for being a parent. Don't get me wrong,  advice is great, and you can glean from it....but its nothing compared to the real nights by yourself with a screaming kid. Its seriously like your world, as you know it, is turned completely around. But I catch myself staring at her sometimes and being marveled by her beauty and God's perfect design.

How is it that time flies so fast once you have a baby? Before her I feel like it poked along...and now each month is right after the next. Call me that nostalgic sappy mom...but its kind of sad to know this is her last month as a "baby".  She is on her way to being a toddler...which, dont get me wrong, is way more fun...just not as snuggly ;) 

Happy 11 months spunky Emma...we love you so much and couldn't imagine life without you. Its hard to believe in over 3 months you'll have a brother! 

To all my "soon to be parent" friends, a word of advice, soak it up...even the sleepless nights...because soon you'll wish you could freeze frame time. :)

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Hippie Mama

Whenever I bring up natural remedies or organic health in our house Garrett just smiles...and I know what he is thinking. "This crazy wife of mine." :) I have lovingly earned the nickname "hippie" in our house. Hippie or not...the proof is in the product. And I have to say, I love natural remedies if they truly work.

I am not the type of person who is against all modern medicines, but I am very hesitant. Have I taken my fair share of medicines, yes! But I believe now that by the power of the word, and the power of natural ingredients God gave us...there are better options. After much research we DO give our kids shots, we DO use tylenol I guess the term hippie doesnt fully apply to me :) However, I will share with you what has helped Emmas cold turn around:

1.) Prayer. We pray in this house with the power given to us in scripture. We do not accept illness, in Jesus name!

2.) Herbs for Kids Immunity Booster: available at simply goods in downtown Salisbury.  It stinks and tastes nasty, but I add it to her food or bottle!

3.) Essential oils: very important that they are natural, therapeutic grade oils. That means no fillers or additives. I got Emma a mix of lavender (calming for sleep), peppermint,  and eucalyptus.  I rub it on her feet added to unrefined coconut oil and put socks on. Be careful with peppermint oil, it will tingle on sensitive skin. Then I put eucalyptus oil behind her ears to keep eustasean tubes open. No ear infections for us!

We also make a mix of the oils and water/coconut oil for a scentsy pot in her room. Makes a decongestant that smells lovely! (Though Garrett would beg to differ...haha!)

Hopefully this can help others with their colds this winter too!

Monday, September 8, 2014

Homemade Jumbalaya

Made my own recipe tonight for Garretts birthday-eve and oh my was it good!!! Good enough to share :) I made it up myself so tweek it however youd like. I try to buy fresh or organic when I can, if I did it is noted...and it was on sale if I bought it ;)

Cook 1 3/4 c jasmine rice (I buy organic at target), this is on the package and takes about 40 min, but it doesnt need stirred, just set a timer.

About 10 min before rice is done sautee:
- 1.5 tbs organic refined coconut oil (or reg oil) Refined means it wont taste like coconut!
- 1/3 c chopped onion
- 1/3 c chopped green pepper
- andouli sausage (I use the fresco all natural chicken sausage, at harris teeter, watch for sales!
-fresh garlic, salt, pepper to taste
- pampered chef creole spice (2.5 tbs) or substitute 3/4 tbs chili powder, 3/4 tbs paprika, and 1/4 tbs cumin

Sautee until peppers and onions are golden/tender.

Add rice and 1 large can tomatoes. Now...I used Mawmaw Dots homemade canned tomates. They were the perfect consistency.  If buying store bought Id get petite cut, and make sure you dont drain!

Sautee for about 8 min and let rest. Enjoy, it was approved by the hubs and not a nasty boxed meal...aka rice a roni. :)

Emma also approved of the plain jasmine rice with carrots and cinnamon.  And right now Luke approves of the meal...he is kicking like crazy!

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Borrow some faith...and maybe some paint. ;)

There are many times that you have to be open to listening to God...even when you aren't necessarily captivated by your speaker.  Its your choice whether you will hear what God is trying to tell you. Today in our church service, I felt like I heard more than I have in a while. The sermon dealt with doubt.  We all struggle with it.  Whether its doubting ourself, doubting our faith, doubting others, etc.  He made a valid point that journaling helps you in the hard times to be able to look back and prove to yourself that God has worked in your life. This helps you realize that God didn't leave was in fact YOU that strayed away from Him.  Then he lead into helpful steps when you doubt: 1.) Admit your doubts...not always easy to do. 2.) Borrow some faith...lean on others who are confident at the time. 3.) Act on FAITH not doubt. 4.) Keep going back to what you know is truth. And we know all truth is God's truth. 5.) Go "all in" and give it your all no matter what the outcome might be.  We don't have all the answers, but God does. :)

2 Timothy 1 "I know whom I have believed."

On a side note, our day today was packed full of baby business. First, we scored a super deal at the Whimsical Wardrobe (one of the best kid consignment stores around) for a crib/changing table set for Luke Dean... I mean GREAT deal. Then headed over to eat a super yummy chicken-n'-dumpling lunch at Garrett's dad's house.  Then my favorite part of the day...we came home to move our precious little girl into her big girl room.  We have been working hard...well...Garrett has been working hard... to get it painted this weekend.  Its coming together and she's sleeping in it for the first time tonight.  Bitter sweet for this Mommy who rocked her at wee hours in the other bedroom.  Trying not to get too sentimental because I know its just preparing for her little spunky brother Luke to come along. You can see in the pictures that she is super excited about the reading corner.

Friday, September 5, 2014


Long ago are the nights of the famous tv show "TGIF"...and if you know what I am talking about it starts to show both of our ages.  ;) I remember nights of watching family matters and full house all while eating bowls of pizza flavored popcorn. Falling asleep in our basement on top of piles of pillows and old comforters on hot summer nights.

Lately, Garrett and I have talked more and more about little traditions we want to have with our kids. One of those is family friday night. So far its only consisted of what-a-burger in Mooresville...but at least it is a start. Taking a baby out to eat seems like a conquest of its own at this point in our lives....and it may change to ordering pizza and a red box by the time little Luke comes. :)

...and excuse the messy kitchen in the picture. Just goes to show we actually live in it. 

Turtles life for me :)

Many who read the title of this blog probably think to themselves "The turtle...teacher?" Yes. If you know me, you completely understand my obsession with terrapins, and pretty much reptiles in general. The phrase "A turtles life for me" has taken a meaningful light in my eyes. Turtles not only slowly absorb what happens around them; but they also TAKE the time to notice life. That is a goal of mine. Slow down just long enough to see purpose, meaning, and beauty.  It just so happens that I'm not only a turtle....well science...enthusiast, but also a teacher. Being a Mommy of two will be my new adventure this year.  Can't wait to see how it goes!

On this blog, you will see that I am an enthusiast for anything simple and healthy.  I will be posting tips on cooking at home for a family, freezing whole foods, canning recipes, and anything else that might help simplify or HEALTH up your life.  You might see the occasional baby (or baby-bump) picture appear as well.  Hopefully I can help and inspire others to see the good in life!