Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Stretched THIN.

Im sure you've heard or said that phrase- "they are just stretched thin" or "I can't. ..I'm stretched thin."

When you stretch something thin,
what happens?

Whatever you are stretching starts to become unreliable.
It gets holes, it tears, it unravels. 

People are the same way. And God did not design us to purposely stretch thin. He designed us in His image, to dwell in His peace, and REST. Nowhere in the Bible does it say, "Work to the point of frustration.  Giving Me no time of day, taking matters into your own hands." It is the complete opposite!

Lately, I've really dwelled on the phrase "Remember the Sabbath and keep it Holy." It struck me one Sunday when I looked at what we were doing and wondered how it fit into this command.  Then ironically a friend posted that SAME question on Facebook.  I call it a reminder, not coincidence.

God is so methodical. He is all-knowing, all-present, all-powerful.  And he designed commands for us. Truthfully, if I had designed commandments for the human race.....it'd be a massive book. But Him-ten. Just ten! And in the midst of those ten commands is to remember one day, snd to dwell on Him. Its in there guys!!! God sees rest as SO important that he put it in the 10 guidelines to human life. How to put Him first. One thing is- - - REST.

I look around me all the time and notice people stretched thin, myself included. People who had great intentions, but have become consumed with the -work- rather than the -reason-.  People who think that we must do everything to be *happy* or fufilled.  If we are working, and do-ing for God...then it should always bring a smile to our face. Right? Even if no one acknowledges what we are doing?

I myself am SO guilty. We all are. But we should constantly be coming back to His presence for rest.

Do your very best.
He will take care of the rest.

...but in order for Him to help with the rest...you have to have a relationship with Him.

Do you?
Are you?

"Then Jesus said, "Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest." MATTHEW 11:28

Be a blessing,


Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Not a bad thing.

What is your initial reaction when something bad happens?

I'm sure if you're like me, you *first* say, "That's awful!"

Or if its something bad that has happened in our country you join in the chant
"we are going to hell in a handbaslet, I cant believe how awful our country is?!"

I realized recently that it is unBiblical, or more importantly unChristlike, to say these things.

Instead of looking at it as a *bad thing* like I described above, look at it like this-

God is bringing wickedness to LIGHT.
Its all coming out.
And that can be a great thing!!!

Think of all of the *bad* that is coming to light right now, that has relatively stayed hidden.

-Planned Parenthood Abortions
-Funding terrorist actions
-Poor American Leadership
-Increased Homosexuality
-Satanic worship
-Ashley Madison ...or whatever that site is called.
-Kanye naming his future child God West??

People can see this as bad.
That reveals truth.
The truth between good-and-evil.
Because WE know that there is such a thing
People can see this an be saved!
Saved from lives of torture and no hope.

We should ooze Jesus Christ in all that we do.  It should be our first and greatest desire.  Do I struggle with this? YES! Absolutely.  But I won't stop the fight to keep showing his mercy, love, and grace to everyone I meet.  I will take each reaction, each struggle, each trial through the lens of Christ.  And if I don't...point it out to me.  If you know me personally and see me on a daily basis- call me out on it!  It doesn't mean that I'll react perfect, or that you will.  But I can guarantee you, in the end, we will be different than this world.

Thats what my hope stands on.
This country is not my future
But I can help change the future of this country. :)

God, thank you.
Thank you for being greater
And living in us.
Thank he who is in the world.
Whatever may come,
Your strength is enough
Thank you for making our heart at peace.
Amist strife and evil.
Here in Your arms, we know who we are.

We repent for our nation that we live in.
And the nation that we know does not follow you.
We beg your mercy upon us and upon our leaders.
Thank you for Jesus
And for life. <3

